Custom Native Landscapes
Let Us Create Your Vision

Holistic Landscaping

Custom Native Landscapes cares for our Clients' unique vision. Our mission is to integrate holistic landscaping practices that will maintain the balance in ecosystems that are outdoor spaces. We prioritize Eco-Friendly Design Elements, Soil Remediation, Proper Plant Choices, Integrated Pest Management and Water Management to make your outdoor space a place of refuge not just for our clients, but for all life.
Our goal is to regenerate your outdoor space and invite beneficial pollinators that will help restore the balance in ecosystems. Balance starts one outdoor space at a time. Holistic Landscapes teems with life, buzzing, and singing, allowing you, our client, to reconnect with nature, bringing you sense of peace, happiness and gratitude.
Why Native Plants?

What are Native Plants?
Native Plants are plants that occur naturally within a region. They are the ecological basis upon which life depends. Their function and purpose is to support wildlife to include birds and people. Without native plants and the insects that pollenate them, our local ecosystems would not thrive or evolve.
Unfortunately, most of our landscape choices come from big box nurseries. Most of the plants sold at big box nurseries are not native, and mostly consist of exotic, invasive species that have dominated our landscapes. These exotic invasive plants do not serve an ecological purpose, and therefor have no benefits to local ecosystems. With that in mind, there are non-invasive, non-native specimens that can be utilized. If a plant is not feeding something, it serves no purpose.
Benefits of utilizing native plants surpasses that of their counterparts. Native plants are low maintenance perennials, that come back year after year. They require very little care once established. They are ascetically pleasing, and often produce showy, abundant, colorful fruits, flowers, and seeds that attract wildlife. They are a vital food source for many indicator species, such as birds and pollenating insects. Native plants also provide protective shelters for mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. They conserve water, because they adapt to their local environment, in turn saving time, money and the most valuable resource WATER!